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Healthy benifits of mango:nutritions,types.

Mango fruit called king of fruits, which is famous all over the world.Ripe mango has a sweet taste that is excellent to eat.

Types of mango.

  • Alphonso Mango.
  • Carabao Mango.
  • Sindhri Mango.
  • Sein Ta Lone Mango.
  • Ataulfo Mango.
  • Haden Mango.
  • Kesar Mangoes.
  • Chausa Mangoes.
  • Badami Mangoes.
Element found in mango.
There are many element found in mango like a calcium,sodium,K,Mg,Na,Fe, Mn,Zn, Cu.

Type of mango

Cancer is a very dangerous disease. The antioxidants present in mangoes help prevent cancer, elements like colon cancer, leukemia and prostate. The elements like Cursatin, Estragalin and Fisetin present in mangoes help to prevent cancer from Progressing.

It's good for eye.

If you want to keep your eyes healthy, then you should consume mangoes because mangoes are rich in vitamin-c.

It's good for your bone.

Calcium is found in plenty in mango which is very good for your bone. It makes your bone strong. Therefore you should eat mango.

It's good for Summer.

By the way, everyone knows that mango is a fruit that is eaten in summer. If you eat mango then you can avoid the heat and it keeps your body cool. If you boil mango and put it on that body then your body Gets cool.

It's good for in pregnancy.

In pregnancy, a woman needs a lot of ingredients that will give her strength. At this time, mango is the best fruit because vitamin-A is found in it, but only consume it in small quantities.

To prevent malaria.

Malaria is a dangerous disease that is spread by mosquitoes. If it is given due care, you can also die. If you have malaria, you can take mangoes on the advice of a doctor.  The element is found which will help you in malaria.

It's good for hair.

Many people dream that they are long, dark and strong, but in this polluted life your hair gets Spoiled. For this, you should consume mangoes in plenty because vitamin-C is found in it in plenty. Apart from this, it has many Postic elements that make your hair strong and shiny.

Relief in Blood-pressure.

The risk of heart problems increases due to high blood pressure. If you eat mango then it helps to reduce blood pressure.

To prevent cancer.

Mango contains ingredients such as ascorbic acid, Turpenoids and polyphenols to help you prevent cancer. If you consume mangoes everyday, you can prevent cancer from Progressing.

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